How to Remove the complete line in Notepad++

This is for those situations where you are trying to find a bunch of lines matching against some Regex and you not only want to remove that match but the line as well. The regex command being used is: ^.*_.*\R Breakdown of the command:^ match start of line.* match any...Read more
How to Setup Posh-SSH

How to Setup Posh-SSH

Pre-req:If you have never installed any modules from PS Gallery you can run the below command so that you do not get the Untrusted Error. Step 1: Need to change the Execution Policy or you will throw an Error Step 2: Need to go ahead and install the Posh-SSH module...Read more
Changing Link Quality on Linux Router

Changing Link Quality on Linux Router

Article based on Ubuntu 16.04 on ESXi 6.5Applications used: netem (pre-installed on Ubuntu 16.04)Pre-req: Linux Router Using the netem feature you can set latency, Jitter, and Packet loss on a specific link/interface. netem uses multiple features and changes multiple files at the same time, so the tc qdis command needs...Read more

Create a basic Linux Router

Article is based on Ubuntu 16.04 built on ESXi 6.5 Linux Commands Used:routeiptablestcpdump Create a Multi-NIC Virtual Machine Configure all interfaces with Separate Networks Set default route with a metric of 0 for the ‘WAN’ side NIC Example Command:sudo route add default gw metric 0 Set default route with...Read more